**Important Announcement: Regarding Glass Packaging**

Due to a temporary shortage of glass jars from our supplier, our current offerings are limited to our convenient and eco-friendly small and large pouch packaging. Spice and tea options in our signature glass jars will be restocked as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.


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November 07, 2021 2 min read

Less than three weeks until Thanksgiving and can we all agree that most of us are not even remotely ready? Personally, I'm still trying to figure out where the year went. The key to not feeling overwhelmed is 1) to breathe๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ and grant yourself grace๐Ÿงก  and 2) take baby steps. Here are our three tips to flawless Thanksgiving prep:


  1. Nail Down your Guest List. This is not a seating chart but more so about making sure you have enough food and possibly space for your guests. Most important is having enough food. Don't forget to include plus ones and children.
  2.  Decide what's on the menu. Again, no need to get super detailed here. You can list a few must haves in general categories: appetizers, mains, sides, desserts, and beverages. You're bound to end up with way more, particularly if others are contributing to the menu. Also, don't be afraid to assign dishes to your capable guests. Most would love to help and doing so relieves some of your stress and adds variety to the Thanksgiving meal.
  3. Start stocking up on essentials. You'll probably go to the grocery store numerous times between now and Thanksgiving so use each trip as a way to begin building your arsenal. First you'll need lots of butter and stock and the good news is that both freeze nicely. So begin making or buying your stock. Next get your spice arsenal togetherโ€ฆbecause FLAVOR!!! Inspiced.com has you covered there.๐Ÿ™‚  Other pantry staples to stock up on in advance are dried pastas, sweeteners/sugar alternatives, nuts, wine/beer/spirits, garlic/onions/shallots. Begin buying the fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, and meats for your dinner as you get closer to Thanksgiving.

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